Clowns in Romania


TSRT Connexion Humanitaire Française


Romania: Timisoara region (in the west)




14 weeks (04.1999-06.1999)


FRF 87487


This project was a tour of street theatre shows in the region of Banat in the west of Romania, visiting forty institutions for children.


  • to establish warm and positive contact not only with the children themselves but also with all the staff working in the institutions visited;
  • to bring a little hope and energy to deprived and suffering children, by making them laugh and stimulating their imagination, thereby giving them the will to move forward;
  • by the example of our show, to motivate the people responsible for these institutions to provide their own follow-up to our project, for example by setting up cultural and sporting activities.


TSRT-CHF worked with a number of local partners, including the staff responsible for orphanages, institutions for the handicapped, centres for street-children and hospitals, with school heads and teachers, and with local artists.

In order to create real prospects for the continuation of CIR, we sought local partners who would be motivated to "carry on" where TSRT-CHF leaves off, for example by setting up cultural or sporting activities for the long term.