Quentin Lanoe

Nickname in the Road TripKiu
Present OccupationPresident of the United Serious of Besançon
Where do you live?Besançon
Where would you like to live?Acapulco
What do you think the mission statement of the Serious Road Trip is?To give pleasure to everybody who needs it
What did you do within the Serious Road Trip?I travel, I play with children and different groups of people, I play all the time and it's like a new family for a short time - for the duration of a project for exemple.
What did the Serious Road Trip do within you?Gave me a sticker for my van.
If the Serious Road Trip was a well-known person, who would it be?Gandhi
What's the most valuable thing you've ever given to somebody?A cup of "confetti" ... thrown in Iain's face.
What difference did the Serious Road Trip make to the world?humour, generosity, and rock'n roll
What difference did the Serious Road Trip make to you?It made me think about the world and my place in this <expletive deleted> global society
Choose one word or phrase to encapsulate the Serious Road Tripdo circus, not war!
What did you not like about the Serious Road Trip?nothing - I change anything that I don't like
Propose a motto for the Serious Road TripI don't understand the word 'motto'
In what circumstances did you join the Serious Road Trip?I wanted to do circus work with different populations and a TSRT member proposed a show for prison inmates
In what circumstances did you leave the Serious Road Trip?for Christmas
If you were to measure the Serious Road Trip, which system would you use and what ranking would you give?with a laugh meter, and I hope that in a few moments we could make the instrument explode
Did you manage to achieve what you set out to do?That's too hard for me to say in English.
What would be an alternative or better name for the Serious Road Trip?"The Bus Passed"
What's the most valuable thing you've taken away from the Serious Road Trip?Sorry ...
What do you think the Serious Road Trip is good at?Put reality in our dreams
What do you think the Serious Road Trip should do next?Take over the running of the United Nations
If the Serious Road Trip was a drink, which one would it be?Tsuica, Ouzo, Raki ... in any case, a strong one - more than fifty proof.
What is your favourite memory or anecdote from the Serious Road Trip?When I forgot a member of TSRT in a petrol station in Hungary and we found him 100km further on with a Bulgarian driver who'd picked him up as a hitch-hiker.